Friday, January 05, 2007

Virgin Love

The unexplored part of emotions drowned me when I first felt my heart cry for a reason that was too deep to measure and too fresh to be experienced. My friends stabbed my feelings for him as ‘infatuation’ but my virgin love rainbowed each moment I lived. The fluttering of excitement at the mere thought of his and the sweet nothings were enough for me to understand the fact that cupid had struck the deepest corner of my heart and its magic haunted every move of mine. I knew that my dream was too far to be touched but rationality had orphaned me and his words were a magnet for my devoted heart. His eyes sparkled and the silence echoed his love.
The time was just right when calmness swayed in the ambience and the naked wind covered our restless patience. He spoke those words that embedded our love story but tears rained down our eyes and we knew the world was a Satin for our pure relation. I wanted to drink his tears and kiss away hall fears but time betrayed me.
The world of illusions surrendered and we knew it was time to depart. His last look painted the glass of my memories and even today I walk in the rain so that none sees my tears. Solitude hugs me when I stroll in the memory lane and his absence is felt every time I dream of possessing him. My unfulfilled wish castles itself in every thought of mine and give me a reason to have another rendezvous with grief. He gifted me love, pain was just a by-product.